The Effect of Low-Resistance High-Repetition Resistance Training on Longer-Term Functional Adaptations and Total Athletic Score

Author Details

Elizabeth C Akam, Steve Tansey, Bryce Hastings

Journal Details


Published: 20 December 2019 | Article Type :


Purpose: To determine the effect of 52 weeks of low-load high-repetition resistance training (BODYPUMPTM) on broader athletic performance in healthy adults. To identify if any relationship between the performance within the training program and athletic performance exists when measured independently.

Methods: Twenty-six, apparently healthy adults: four males (age = 51.6 ± 4.0 years; height 178.8 ± 13cm and body mass = 82.4kg ± 6.5kg) and twenty-twofemales (age = 38.3 ± 7.0 years; height 163.5 ± 6cm and body mass = 58.6kg ± 4.5kg)participated in and completed the yearlong longitudinal cross-sectional study. All participants had trained with BODYPUMP™ for ≥ 1 year; this was their solemethod of training which they attended on average a minimum of twice a week.Isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) peak force (PF), 10m sprint time, counter movement jump (CMJ) height and the total score of athleticism (TSA)were all assessed.

Results: Testing revealed that after 1-year total load (kg) relative to body weight (BW) has a strong correlation with isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) peak force (PF) (r=0.767), 10m Sprint (r=0.712), counter movement jump (CMJ) height (r=0.719) and the total score of athleticism (TSA) (r=0.721) as assessed by Pearson’s correlation p <0.05.

Conclusions: This research demonstrates that BODYPUMP™ does have athletic carryover for some components of fitness (strength, power and speed). This study has shown that thetotal score of athleticism (TSA) is strongly correlated to lifting ability (r=0.721) within the training program.

Keyword: Athletic score, BODYPUMP®, Physical fitness, Resistance, Training.

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How to Cite


Elizabeth C Akam, Steve Tansey, Bryce Hastings. (2019-12-20). "The Effect of Low-Resistance High-Repetition Resistance Training on Longer-Term Functional Adaptations and Total Athletic Score." *Volume 2*, 2, 8-15